GL6000A-AU-B, GL6000D-AU-B,GL9000A-AU-B, GL9000D-AU-B, WSM
Oil Clearance between Idle Gear Shaft and Idle Gear Bushing
1. Measure the idle gear shaft O.D. with an outside micrometer.
2. Measure the idle gear bushing I.D. with an inside micrometer,
and calculate the oil clearance.
3. If the oil clearance exceeds the allowable limit, replace the
4. If it still exceeds the allowable limit, replace the idle gear shaft.
Replacing Idle Gear Bushing
(When removing)
1. Press out the used idle gear bushing using an idle gear bushing
replacing tool. (Refer to
(When installing)
1. Clean a new idle gear bushing and idle gear bore, and apply
engine oil to them.
2. Press in a new brushing using an idle gear bushing replacing
tool, until it is flush with the end of the idle gear.
Oil clearance between
idle gear shaft and idle
gear bushing
Factory specification
0.020 to 0.084 mm
0.00079 to 0.0033 in.
Allowable limit
0.10 mm
0.0039 in.
Idle gear shaft O.D.
Factory specification
19.967 to 19.980 mm
0.78611 to 0.78661 in.
Idle gear bushing I.D.
Factory specification
20.000 to 20.051 mm
0.78741 to 0.78940 in.
(A) When Removing
(B) When Installing
KiSC issued 06, 2016 A