The key system
If a registered key is lost, the second and new black key must be re-registered. This procedure locks the lost
or stolen black key, which can no longer be used to start the engine.
If the red key is lost, the black keys can no longer be re-registered. Be sure to keep the red key in a secure
location (such as a safe in the office). Never leave the key inside the machine. If it should get lost neverthe-
less, please contact your authorised dealer immediately.
If six times attempts are made within one minute to turn the starter switch to the START position with a wrong
or unregistered key, an acoustic signal will sound for 30 seconds. The signal will continue to sound even if the
starter switch is turned to the STOP position again or the key is removed within this time period. When a key
registered for this machine is inserted into the starter switch, the acoustic signal will be turned off.
Do not use several of these keys in a bunch. This could lead to electrical interfering frequencies which might
prevent the motor from starting.
Use only the special KUBOTA key ring. Other key rings can lead to signal failures between the key and starter
switch, and the engine can possibly not start or a key registration cannot be performed.
After receiving the set of keys, separate them from each other. Always make sure the keys are not part of a
bunch. If one of the black keys, for example, is inserted into the starter switch, the red key might be detected
by the electronic system. This might lead to a failure of the electronic system.
If machine malfunctions occur, please contact your Kubota dealer immediately in order to have the malfunc-
tion localised and remedied.