Issue 01 MAR.19
6 x No.8
Step 12 - Drill Mounting Holes & Insert Wall Plugs
1. Remove the posts from the tray,
placing safely off to one-side.
2. Using a 7mm masonry drill bit and
drill (or appropriate drill bit if drilling
tiles), drill six holes using the ‘spot’
marks from step 10, each hole should
be 30mm in depth.
3. Insert the six ‘6mm Wall Plugs’ into
the six holes.
Step 13 - Fitting the Frame
1. Insert the angle compensator posts
back into position on the tray. Using
a spirit level, check that the posts are
‘plumb’ vertical and the slotted holes in
the posts line up with the plugs in the
2. Using 6 x No.8 Pan-head 30mm screws provided, screw the posts to the wall on
each side. Be sure not to over tighten the middle screws (finger tighten only) as this
may cause “bowing” of the post. Rest a straight edge against the post edge on the
wall, you’ll be able to see any bowing that may have occurred. The middle screws
may now be adjusted to assist in plumbing the post and removing the “bow.”
Step 16 - Shim Frame
1. Often shower trays have different
angled top faces, in order to help
keep the frame supported use the
‘Shim (M97-01)’ supplied. On the
inside of the enclosure measure the
gap between the bottom of the rail
and top of the tray, select the height
required from the shim strip supplied,
break off and insert under rail at fixed
panel clamp position (hole drilled
on curved rail). This will support rail
when glass is fitted. The shim will be
concealed by silicone sealant later.
45mm Deep
30mm Deep
1. Refit the frame on to the tray,
ensuring the compensator channels
fully engage securely into the wall
posts down the entire length of each
6 x No.8
2. Fix the frame to the compensator channels using six No.8 Pan-
head 30mm long panhead screws, through wall post mouldings into
pre-drilled holes in compensator channels (3 each side).
Do not over-tighten these screws.
Step 15 - Adjust Fit
1. Using a flat headed screwdriver, adjust the six nylon adjustment screws,
three down each side, in an anti-clockwise direction, until the frame has
expanded and is only slightly wedged. Try to adjust each side equally, to
achieve equal spacings down each side of the frame and concentricity
between the bottom rail and tray.
Equal Wall
Step 14 - Re-fit Frame and Compensator Channels