User Manual
KEA 320 / KEA 320 RP
BA-KEA 320 / KEA 320 RP_EN Version 03
Date: 16.Sep.2020
Page 20 of 21
The configured delay times have expired.
No shut down alarm is present. (for explanation of the alarm classes refer to Chapter 9.5.1 “Alarm Classes”
on page 982).
The engine is ready for operation.
Operating Mode TEST
General usage
The operating mode ( “TEST” ) usually is a temporary operating mode. The idea is to test the genset.
TEST operating mode always starts the engine, when changing into this mode independent on an AUTOMATIC
start order. Additionally the TEST operating mode supports the emergency and critical run as well (if a mains
failure occurs during the test run). The operating mode TEST supports different sub modes so the operator can
choose if the breakers shall be closed during test run or whether the operating mode is changed after the test
The function of the KEA depends on the configuration of the unit and how
the external signals are used.
Use the button [TEST] to activate operating mode TEST.
If mode change was successful the button [TEST] is illuminated.
The illumination of the button becomes twinkling a short time before TEST
run is over.
For a more detailed description of the start/stop sequence of the engine and
the associated parameters refer to Chapter “Operation Mode
TEST” on page 309.
The main functions are briefly described in the following sections.