4. Leave by-pass and air control fully open until a medium to high burn rate is achieved (about
15-20 minutes). After start-up push the by-pass control in. Adjust the air control to achieve the
desired heat output.
5. The slide type air control can be opened to allow more air to the fire, thus increasing the fire
size, rate of burn, and heat produced. Likewise, sliding the air control closed or decreasing the air
to the fire decreases the fire size, rate of burn, and heat produced
6. Never leave your stove unattended with the door open. When the stove door is open it will be
necessary to open the by-pass to prevent smoke spillage.
About your stoves burn rate and the Catalytic Combustor.
Properly operated, the catalytic combustor in your new Kuma Stove will provide years of trouble
free use. Over firing of the catalytic combustor is a common cause of failure.
Try to avoid direct flame contact with the catalytic combustor
Each chimney will provide a
different level of draft. For your first few fires, watch the flames as the lick up near the baffle
assembly. If your chimney provides enough draft to pull the flames into the combustor, lower the
amount of air by pusing the air control in towards the stove. If flames are still pulled into the
combustor, a damper may be installed in the pipe to help further regulate draft.
Additional instructions and information.
Build your fires directly on the firebrick. Using a grate will allow too much air to the coal bed and
will result in incomplete combustion of the wood. Using a grate can also leave charred pieces of
wood after the fire has gone out.
Use only the best grade of dry wood available. Wood should be seasoned for 1 full year prior to
being used. Split wood will season much faster and better that wood left in the rounds. Burning
green or wet wood greatly increases the chance of creosote build up and produces significantly
less heat.
The number 1 cause for creosote build up is moisture in the wood.
Store your wood
in a dry location.
Any wood stored near the stove needs to maintain proper clearance from the
Small hot fires produce less creosote than long, low smoldering fires. When you start your stove
or are re-kindling (reloading) your wood stove with a full or sizeable load of wood, open the draft
fully and burn the stove at full burn for 20-30 minutes to heat up the chimney and secondary burn
Optional blower operation instructions
To install the blower, follow the instructions packaged with the blower. Plug the blower into the nearest
115V grounded circuit. Turn the variable speed knob to ‘click’ onto high speed. As the knob is turned
clock-wise, the blower speed decreases to your desired speed. The blower speed should match the desired
burn rate on your stove: i.e. low-burn rate...low blower speed; high-burn rate… high blower speed and so