Setup Mode
Shift Key Number, Shift Key (ShKeyNum, ShiftKey)
These controller destinations allow you to play musical scales and single note patterns on any
programmable continuous controller in a setup, without the need of playing the physical keys of
the keyboard. These features are especially useful for playing fast arpeggiations. These
destinations only work when combined with other destinations and features, so be sure to read
this whole section to gain a complete understanding.
Using a Kurzweil Ribbon as a controller gives you the most options, but these destinations can
also be controlled by any slider, pedal, key pressure, etc. Using the Kurzweil Ribbon provides
more accurate control since it has a longer physical range than other controllers. Also, if you set it
in Absolute mode, you can jump from one note to any other note in the pattern in any octave.
With a slider you have to go through all the intermediate notes of the pattern. A way of partially
doing this with sliders is to assign the Shift Key Number controller to several sliders with
different ranges. (
The Ribbon Configuration (RIBCFG) Page
on page 7-40
for details on Ribbon
options, and Scale and Add
on page 7-29
for details on changing controller ranges.)
Shift Key Number
, controller destination 176) works in a similar way to
, controller destination 134). Both controllers basically generate a
monophonic stream of notes. The difference is that Key Number plays through all notes
chromatically, while Shift Key Number only plays notes relative to a Shift Pattern.
For example, when controlling Shift Key Number from a slider, notes are triggered from a Shift
Pattern in forwards order as you move the slider up, and backwards order as you move the slider
down. If in our zone we have selected the Shift Pattern 2: minor, the notes being played by the
slider will be only the root, the minor third and fifth in the chosen key, triggering notes in any
octave up and down the keyboard.
(See Shift Key below for details on selecting the root note and
Selecting The Desired Notes:
You must select a Shift Pattern for the desired zone in order for Shift Key Number to have an
effect. To select a Shift Pattern for the current zone in a setup, enter the setup editor and go to the
page. Select a Shift Pattern from the ShiftPatt field. If using multiple zones, a
different pattern can be selected for each. The ShiftPatt field is usually used with the arpeggiator,
but can also be used in combination with the controller destinations Shift Key Note, Shift Key,
and Key Velocity. These destinations can use a zone’s Shift Pattern whether the arpeggiator is on
or off without conflict. For more information on Shift Patterns such as editing and saving, see
Shift Pattern (ShiftPatt)
on page 7-48
(Note that the ShiftPatt Up or Down options, as well as any of the
arpeggiator parameters other than ShiftPatt do not have an effect on Shift Key Number.)
You can also set
controllers to destination 171
) to select a pattern from the current bank of 128 shift
patterns, and destination 172 (
) to select a bank from banks of 128 shift patterns each.
Selecting The Desired Velocity:
In order to have a note sound when using Shift Key Number, you first need to send a
message (
, controller destination 135) with a non zero velocity. You must set a
controller to this destination, it’s useful to set a slider or other continuous controller in order to
control velocity while playing. The next notes to be triggered by Shift Key Number will be played
with the last received KeyVel velocity. One note triggered by these controllers sounds until
another note is triggered or until a KeyVel message with velocity 0 is sent.
Selecting The Desired Key (Root Note):