Editing Conventions
Saving and Loading Files—Storage Mode
Deleting Objects
Within most editors, there are soft buttons for deleting objects. When you want to delete an
object, press the
soft button, and the PC3A will ask you if you want to delete the object.
(At this point in the dialog, you can select another object with any of the data entry methods.)
if you want to delete it, or press
if you don’t. The PC3A won’t let you delete
ROM objects (also known as “factory” objects).
Memory objects, on the other hand, are
when you delete them! If you’ve “replaced” a ROM
object by saving a memory object with the same ID, the ROM object is invisible, but still there.
Deleting the memory object stored at the same ID will restore the ROM object.
You’ll often delete objects to gain memory space, or to organize the
memory banks
before saving
objects to storage. To delete multiple objects, use the Delete Objects utility available in Master
mode. It’s described on
page 11-14
Dependent Objects
A dependent object is an object that’s linked in memory with at least one other object. For
example, if you create a setup that uses a program that you also created, that program is a
dependent object of the setup.
When you start to delete an object that has dependent objects, the Delete dialog gives you a
choice: Delete dependent objects? If you press
, the PC3A will delete the object and all its
dependent objects when you execute the Delete function. In our example, if you were deleting
the setup you created, and you chose to delete dependent objects, the dependent program would
get deleted as well. If you press
at the Delete dependent objects? prompt, the PC3A deletes
only the object, but keeps the dependent objects. In our example, the setup would get deleted,
but the dependent program would remain.
When deleting objects and their dependents, the PC3A deletes only those dependent objects that
aren’t dependent on other objects that you’re
deleting. For example, suppose you have two
setups that contain the same program. If you delete one of the setups, and delete dependent
objects with it, the setup gets deleted, but the program that’s contained in the other setup remains
in memory.
Saving and Loading Files—Storage Mode
Saving a file simply involves selecting objects or a complete bank of objects to be stored as a
single file. All objects with IDs within that range will be saved to the file. When you
a file, the
PC3A asks you which bank will receive the file. You can load a file into any of the sixteen banks,
regardless of the bank it was saved from. The PC3A will automatically reassign the object IDs.
See Chapter13
for more information on loading and saving files.