ProLaser III Operator's Manual
Page 26
Speed Mode
After completing the range and HUD tests referred to
in the ACCURACY TEST section of this manual, you are
now ready to make range and speed measurements.
Orient the ProLaser III toward the traffic flow in as
nearly a parallel direction to traffic flow as the setup
location permits. Aim the ProLaser III at the desired
target, and pull the trigger. You will immediately see the
four dashes
in the HUD directly below the aiming
reticle, indicating that the laser pulses are being
transmitted and the range and speed processing circuits
are operating. If the aiming tone is enabled, you will hear
an intermittent tone when the instrument is beginning to
receive sufficient reflected laser pulses to accurately
process speed readings. When the instrument is squarely
aimed at a moving target and is processing valid speed
data, the tone will become constant. At this point the
target speed will appear on the HUD in place of the
dashes, and on the rear panel under the “Speed”. The
speed indication will be preceded by a
sign if the target
is receding, and by a
sign (in the rear panel display) or
no sign (in the HUD) if the target is approaching.
As long as the trigger is pulled, the ProLaser III will
continue to update the displayed target speed with the
most recently determined value. This allows the operator
to correlate the displayed target speed with visual
observations of the target vehicle, thus establishing the
tracking history needed for introduction of the evidence
into court. If the target aiming point is moved or lost
during tracking, the ProLaser III will notify the operator by
rapidly flashing the speed and range. This will occur for
two (2) seconds, then the display will blank, unless the
aiming target is reacquired and tracking can continue.