ESR Brackets and Flybars · Instructions
The ESR212 and ESR215MkII Horizontal Bracket and Vertical (FLYBAR) Bracket is a dedicated system to facilitate fast and safe
suspension of a single ESR212 or ESR215MkII unit,.
*NOTE* The ESR Horizontal Bracket and Vertical (FLYBAR) Bracket is not certified to allow any suspension
of additional enclosures, or cabinet from cabinet.
The ESR212 AND 215MkII Horizontal Bracket is a fixed steel folded edge bar with extended arms at each end.
The main horizontal bar has multiple apertures across the top plate to allow flexible attachments such as clamps, Eye-bolts
and threads to facilitate connection to hoists, truss etc.
To secure the HORIZONTAL BRACKET to the ESR unit, there are SINGLE fixing points on each extended arm, to allow the
attachment to the ESR HANDLE PLATE unit via use of a handscrew, or via quick-lock pins through 6 pre-selected angle-apertures.
The Handle plate is secured to the ESR Internal Handle via 4 x M10 hex screwthreads.
The ESR212 and 215MkII Vertical (FLYBAR) Bracket is a pre-fixed steel T-bar with folded edges and short extension arms
at each end and a small arm at the rear.
The long bar has prefixed apertures along the top plate to allow attachments such as clamps, Eye-bolts and threads to
facilitate connection to hoists, truss etc.
On each short arm, there is a single aperture that allows the fixing of the Vertical Flybar Bracket to the ESR topside units
and there is a similar aperture on the short rear arm for connection to the rear of the ESR units.
Vertical Bracket ESR212
The ESR212 Vertical (FLYBAR) Bracket has 6 fixed aperture angles positioned along the Front to Back spine of the unit
allowing varied angled inclination from +30 to -4 degrees.
Vertical Bracket ESR215MkII
The ESR215MkII Vertical (FLYBAR) Bracket has 6 fixed aperture angles positioned along the front to back spine of the unit
allowing varied angled inclination from +25 to -4.5 degrees.
ets and F
lybars · I
Use these points for the main pick point of suspension.
Use these points for the main pick point of suspension.