Kvaser Memorator Professional User’s Guide
6 (37)
Product Number
Kvaser Memorator Professional HS/HS
Kvaser Memorator Professional HS/LS
Table 1: The Kvaser Memorator Professional devices and their EAN numbers
Log continuously or create triggers to control when frames are logged. You can
create up to 16 trigger conditions. These conditions can include the reception of a
specific message, the value of a specific signal in a message, or an external trigger
input configured to trigger on either rising or falling edge. Define a posttrigger time
to control the amount of data logged after the trigger expression becomes false.
Define a pretrigger time to log events leading up to the trigger expression
becoming true.
To enhance logging performance, Kvaser Memorator Professional can filter out
selected messages to be logged. The identifiers to be filtered can be picked from a
database file or entered manually. Three types of filters are provided: stop filters,
pass filters, and counting pass filters. Stop filters prevent messages from being
logged. Pass filters ensure a message is logged. Counting pass filters log the
specified messages at enumerated occurrences so redundant data is reduced.
Memory cards
Due to the high demands placed on the SD card used by an industrial product
such as the Kvaser Memorator Professional, we can only support cards tested and
sold by Kvaser, see Chapter 3.5.1, Supported disk types, on Page 12.
Major features of Kvaser Memorator Professional
CAN interface and data logger – two products in one.
Quick and easy plug-and-play installation.
Supports both 11-bit (CAN 2.0A) and 29-bit (CAN 2.0B active) identifiers.
CAN messages are time-stamped with 2 microseconds resolution.
Large on-board RAM buffer for CAN messages.
Supports silent (listen-only) mode for analyzing tools and data logging.
Kvaser AB, Mölndal, Sweden — www.kvaser.com