54-0215 Rev. C
Appendix A Patent Protection*
One or more of the following U.S. and international patents protect the technology in
KVH fiber optic gyros:
Patent Numbers
AU 728699
AU 750301
DE 0 254 462
DE 60002436
DE 69509587
DE 69722994
DE 69734809.1
FR 0 254 462
FR 0 687 892
FR 0802397
FR 0838712
FR 1151309
GB 0 254 462
GB 0 687 892
GB 0802397
GB 0838712
GB 1151309
GB 1261880
GB 2299668(B)
JP 2076012
US 4,712,866
US 4,773,759
US 4,818,071
US 4,950,318
US 5,120,130
US 5,126,666
US 5,153,676
US 5,340,371
US 5,444,534
US 5,481,358
US 5,512,904
US 5,552,887
US 5,739,944
US 5,768,462
US 6,041,149
US 6,134,356
US 6,351,310 B1
US 6,370,289 B1
US 6,429,939
US 6,441,779
US 6,466,596
US 6,535,657
US 6,539,134
US 6,542,651
US 6,563,589
US 6,594,020
US 6,703,821
US 6,707,558
US 6,718,097
US 6,763,153
US 6,836,334
US 6,864,347
US 6,891,622
US 7,120,323
* Additional patents pending