2.5.1 Installing Your Selected Satellites
When you first connect to the system, it is programmed with the
factory default satellite assignments:
Europe: Astra 1 (Sat A) and Hotbird (Sat B)
N. America: DSS_101 (Sat A) and DSS_119 (Sat B)
Should you wish to track a different satellite (either from the
satellite library or a user-defined satellite), you must instruct the
antenna which satellites will be in the active satellite pair.
Connecting to the TracVision 4 Maintenance Port
To do so, it is necessary to connect a PC to the terminal
maintenance port on the switchplate. The diagnostics procedure
requires terminal emulation software such as PROCOMM,
Windows Terminal, or Windows 95/98 Hyperterminal. Use the
settings appropriate to your application.
1. Connect one end of the PC data cable to the DB9
connector on the switchplate. Connect the other
end to the serial port on the PC (a 9-pin/25-pin
connector adapter may be needed for some PCs).
2. Open the terminal emulation software and
establish the following settings:
• 9600 baud
• no parity
• 8 data bits
• 1 start bit
• 1 stop bit
• no flow control
3. Apply power to the TracVision 4 system and allow
the system to complete full initialization. Data
should be scrolling on the PC display to identify
any system problems detected. If no data is seen,
recheck your connections and the terminal
software setup.
54-0150 Rev. E