Diajekt Control CFC10
Status: 06/18/2014
2 Error Processing
2.1 D e t e c t i n g Errors
The DIAJEKT Control CFC10 constantly checks all incoming data to ensure a correct
operation. In addition, a self-test is conducted every time the control is turned on. The control
unit starts or restarts after the power supply is set up, after a successful transfer of new
parameters and after a firmware update. The specific error conditions are described in section
2.3 Error Conditions.
2.2 E r r o r Memory
All the error conditions described in section 3.3 are saved in a non-volatile memory. The error
memory can be readout with the configuration tool described above. All saved errors can be
reset. Every recognized error is saved in the error memory as soon as the error has been
acknowledged. The error memory can be deleted completely with the configuration tool. If an
error occurs the following data is saved:
Error code
current date and time
latest effective differential pressure
latest effective state of function logic
latest effective activity level for actuating the chimney fan