©2017 Spectrum Brands, Inc.
1. Keep door open. Press the Program button
once. The Checkmark will flash five times and
you will hear five beeps.
2. Press Checkmark symbol once.
3. Press Lock symbol once.
4. Enter Mastercode.
5. Press Lock symbol once.
6. Enter user code to be deleted.
7. Press Lock symbol once.
8. Re-enter use code to be deleted.
9. Press Lock symbol once.
If programming is successful, the Checkmark
will illuminate and you will hear one beep.
If programming is unsuccessful, the “X” pattern
will flash three times with three beeps. Make sure
to enter a valid Mastercode in step 4.
While the door is open and locked, test
the user code to
make sure it no longer
unlocks the door.
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Technical Support
Deleting a Single User Code with the Mastercode Enabled