Chapter 10 - DAB Measuring Range
106 V3.2
Remote supply
The measuring receiver can provide a remote power supply via the RF input; for example, this may
provide power for an active receiving antenna. You may choose between 5 V, 14V, 18 V and no
remote supply.
The supply is short circuit-proof and provides a maximum current of 500 mA. The instrument
automatically switches off the remote supply if there is a short circuit or if the current is too high.
The red LED on the RF input lights up as soon as the remote supply is active.
Important! Always check that the connected system is compatible with the selected
remote supply before switching on the remote supply. Otherwise, terminating
resistors may be overloaded or active components may be destroyed.
Setting the remote supply
to open the selection menu. You may select from the available voltages (0V, 5V, 14V
and 18V) using the arrow keys and activate the supply by pressing
Measuring the remote supply current
For this, you must the measuring instrument into the default status in the DAB range. You can do
this by pressing the
key. If remote supply is activated, the measuring receiver measures the
amount of DC current flowing from the RF input socket (e.g. to supply an active antenna) and
displays the amperage in mA on the left edge of the display. The measuring range extends from
0 -500 mA with a resolution of 1 mA.