Installation Manual
Appendix E - Page E-1
Revision F
July 18, 2013
Appendix E
Using the Terminal Device
(e.g., Laptop Computer)
When interfacing to an alternate display a terminal device must be used to access the service menu for
system configuration, testing and troubleshooting of the SKY899. Connect terminal device to the RS-232
serial data TEST port (J7) located on the front of the TRC899. TRC connector J7 is a female DB9
receptacle. A standard 9-pin serial cable (pin-to-pin) can be used. Any computer, with RS-232 terminal
emulation software (e.g., Procomm
, HyperTerminal
, etc.), may be used as the terminal device. To
communicate with the TRC, the RS-232 terminal device must be setup as follows, with software flow
control being used (no hardware control).
Baud Rate:
Data Bits:
Stop Bits:
Flow Control: Xon/Xoff
To access the service menu, with RS-232 terminal emulation software running, type menu <Enter>. The
following will appear:
Service Menu
1 Setup
2 Information
3 Calibration
4 Ground Test
5 Configuration Management
x Exit
Figure E-1: Service Menu
The terminal device Service Menu is similar to the one described in Chapter 4, except for a prefix. Type
the prefix character (1<Enter>, 2<Enter>, x<Enter>, etc.) to select the function. Refer to chapter 4 for
service menu details.
1. The information screens contain live data that is constantly updated;
however the terminal device emulation software will not automatically
update or refresh the data to the screen. To refresh data to the terminal
device screen press <Enter>.
2. When using service menu the system will not perform display commands
(e.g., OPR, STB, MSG, or range).
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