1. Windows 98 cannot find drivers for my device
This error can occur if the VID and PID programmed into the device EEPROM do not match those listed in the INF
files for the driver. The VID and PID programmed into the device EEPROM may be found by using the USBView
utility from the FTDI website. These can then be checked against the VID and PID entries in the driver INF files. If
they do not match, that driver cannot be installed the VID and PID entries in the driver INF files. If they do not match,
that driver cannot be installed for that device without either re-programming the device EEPROM or modifying the
list of VID and PID numbers in the INF files. Please note that only your own company VID and PID or FTDI's VID
(0x0403) and FTDI PID issued for use by your company should be used in the EEPROM and INF/INI files.
2. Windows 98 forces a reboot after installing a device
This problem can occur if an application is accessing a file while the New Hardware Wizard is trying to copy it. This
usually occurs with the FTD2XX.DLL file. If installing a D2XX device, selecting not to restart the computer then
unplugging and re-plugging the device may allow the device to function properly without restarting. Restarting the
machine will allow the device to work correctly.
3. Driver installation fails and Windows 98 gives error code 10
Windows error code 10 indicates a hardware error or failed driver installation. This error may appear if a device has
insufficient power to operate correctly (e.g. plugged into a bus powered hub with other devices), or may indicate a
more serious hardware problem. Also, it may be indicative of USB root hub drivers being incorrectly installed. Please
refer to the example schematics on the FTDI website for standard device configurations. If the error persists, p
contact the FTDI support department.
4. Windows 98 complains about missing .CAT files
Files with the .cat extension are signature files issued by Microsoft that indicate a device driver is WHQL certified. If
a driver is not certified, there will be no .cat files available.
When installing drivers in Windows 98 or Windows ME, the user is prompted to locate the .cat files if the operating
system cannot find them. If the driver is not certified but you wish to install it anyway, the files may be skipped by
clicking the "Skip" button.
5. Windows 98 complains about missing ftccomms.vxd file
This can occur when the USB Composite driver has been installed if the user has not browsed to the location of the
driver files. If this message appears, do not skip it but browse to the driver file location. The wizard will then be able
to correctly install the device.