For any questions please contact us at toll free (877) 482-2040 Mon-Fri 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. 20
135lb Stainless Steel Spreader Installation
The 135lb Stainless Steel Spreader has four settings that can be adjusted to obtain the desired
spread pattern, rate control, directional control, speed control. These settings adjust for distance,
density, direction and area. Since it is electrically driven, the spread pattern is independent of
ground speed. It should be noted that these settings work together and the desired spread pattern
should be observed while the machine is still.
DO NOT attempt to adjust any of these settings, other than Speed Control, while the Spinner is
Rate Control
The Rate Control is located on the front of the 135lb. Stainless Steel Spreader near the spinner.
The Rate Control setting controls the amount of product that is dispersed from the Hopper by
adjusting how far the Hopper Cable can open the Hopper Door. The Rate Control setting
primarily affects the density of the product spread in the coverage area.
To adjust the Rate Control, insert a bolt in the desire hole and secure with a nut. Open the
Hopper Door and visually inspect the Hopper Door opening.
Figure 3. Rate Control and Hopper