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                   Carbon Monoxide Hazard

This product burns gas to produce heat. The 

appliance must be properly installed, operated, and 

maintained to avoid exposure to appreciable levels 

of carbon monoxide and the installer is required to 

confirm that at least one carbon monoxide alarm is 

installed in the living space before the appliance is put 

into operation.

It is important for carbon monoxide alarms to be 

installed, maintained, and replaced following the alarm 

manufacturer’s instructions and applicable local codes.



Should overheating occur or the gas supply fail to 

shut off, do not turn off or disconnect the electrical 

supply to the pump. Instead, shut off the gas supply 

at a location external to the appliance. 



Do not use this heater if any part has been under 

water. Immediately call a qualified service technician 

or Gas Company personnel to inspect the site. 

Heater replacement is recommended.  




Danger lié au monoxyde de carbone


Ce produit brûle des gaz pour produire de la chaleur. 

L’appareil requiert une installation, un fonctionnement 

et une maintenance adéquates afin d’éviter l’exposition 

à des niveaux appréciables de monoxyde de carbone; 

l’installateur est requis de confirmer qu’au moins une 

alarme de détection de monoxyde de carbone est 

installée dans l’espace de vie avant que l’appareil ne 

soit mis en service. 

Il importe que les alarmes de détection de monoxyde 

de carbone soient installées, maintenues et remplacées 

selon les directives du manufacturier et les codes 

locaux applicables.


LAARS Heating Systems

A.  General Care 


Your MightyTherm will require very little Main


nance. However, as with any fine appliance there are 

certain steps that should be taken to ensure continu-

ing optimum performance.

Keep the area around the MightyTherm clean 

and free from combustible materials, gasoline and 

other flammable liquids and vapors.

The MightyTherm must be completely isolated 

and protected from any source of corrosive chemical 

fumes such as trichlorethylene, perchlorethylene, 

chlorine, etc.

Keep grille openings on the boiler free for proper 

ventilation of interior components.

Do not obstruct or block a free flow of air to the 

boiler to ensure proper ventilation.

If desired, clean the jacket surfaces with a 

damp cloth and mild detergent. Do not use flammable 

cleaning materials.

If sidewall vented, keep the vent terminal clear 

of obstructions — do not pile snow against the vent 

terminal. Clean the air filter(s) often, and then develop 

an appropriate maintenance schedule.

B.  Annual Inspection of Flue and Vents

Visually inspect the vent pipe once a year. 

Should any deterioration exist, have the affected parts 

replaced by a qualified service person.


