Stripwood that is colored on one end is used in several different places. Be sure that you cut from the uncolored end of the wood to make your
Stripwood colored on both ends can be cut from either end and is used for one particular part. It will be completely used in one assembly.
Please keep in mind while building this kit that it is YOUR kit and that you can make it as Spartan or as Detailed as you wish. It is up to you.
Remember, all this is is a wooden passenger conveyance on wheels.
Cut Mullion Casing (5) in place from (Stripwood one end colored
Brown). Cement Scribed Siding (6) in place. Trim the siding flush
with the ends of the sides.
NOTE: When making siding Joints, make cuts so Scribe Spacing is Equal
Cut out Door Rails (7) (Marked Black) as per Isometric Drawing
Notation. Sand flush with window opening. Cut Door Panels (8)(9)
from 1/32 x 5/8 in wide Stripwood and cement to Doors (7) (Marked
Black) keeping Flush at the bottoms of the doors (10) Keeping up
3/32 inch from bottom.
Cement Doors (7) to the back of the letterboard as per Isometric and
plan drawings. Keep the edge of the Doors Exactly in Line with
End of side and up from Bottom of the side the thickness of
the Bumper (14). Sand flush with the top of the side.
NOTE: Use Bumper to obtain the correct distance
Cut Filler Pieces (11) to 3/4 inch length from (Stripwood
Combination Colors Brown and Red) and cement to back of doors,
keeping flush with the top and Outer Edge of Doors, and (For
Combine Only):Cut Filler piece (12) to Width of Baggage Doors
(10) from (Stripwood One End Colored Yellow)
and cement to the back of letterboards, keeping the
Inner End In Line with End of sides and flush with
the bottom. Cement Doors (10) to back of
Letterboard as per Isometric and Plan
Drawings, keeping edge of Doors
Exactly In Line with the end of
the side and up from the
bottom of the side
exactly the
of the
Bumper (14).
NOTE: Use Bumper to obtain the correct distance Up
These are the sub-sides (1)
Sand the Letterboards
at the end of the subsides
to remove the rough edges, if any
Separate and cement the window posts
in place (2).
Make a Left and a Right Window Post (3) from one large
offset scribed post, cutting slightly larger than required
and cementing to the Sub-Sides with the Raised
shoulder toward the Window and keeping it
back the correct margin (eyeball it) from
the window.
NOTES: The Term “Raised Shoulder” is the slight projection on Both edges of the post
When Making Joints, make cuts so Scribed Spacing is Equal.
Make One Right and Left Window
Post by trimming off Raised
Shoulder from the proper
edges of the other large
offset scribed post.
Cement in place keeping
the Raised Shoulder edge
toward the window opening and keep the Raised Shoulder back the
Correct distance from the window opening. Now cement in place the
remaining portion of Post (4) using Excess Portion For Post (3)