LaCie 12big Rack Network
User Manual
page 4
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is accurate, the Authors accept no liability
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What is in this guide
This user manual gives you step-by-step
instructions on how to install, configure
and connect the LaCie 12big Rack Net-
work storage subsystem to your host com-
puter system, and how to use and main-
tain the system.
Who should use this guide
This user guide assumes that you have a
working knowledge of storage appliance
products. If you do not have these skills,
or are not confident with the instructions
in this guide, do not proceed with the in-
The personnel referred to within this docu-
ment are defined as follows:
Service Person: A person having
appropriate technical training and
experience necessary to be aware
of hazards to which that person may
be exposed in performing a task
and of measures to minimize the
risks to that person or other persons.
User/Operator: Any person other
than a Service Person.