Quality standard
Your product is an electric folding bicycle. The bike is foldable at 2 locations, on the stem and halfway
through the frame. The bike is equipped with pedal assistance which is powered by an external battery.
The battery can be located in different locations, such as on the luggage carrier or in the frame. The
battery is charged by means of an external charger. This external charger is seen as a separate product and
is already provided with a CE marking (based on the Low Voltage Directive and the EMC Directive).
The input voltage of the battery is 36V/250W or 48V/500W, the motor power is 250W or 500W (S4) and the
maximum speed of the vehicle is 25 km/h.
Based on the above product description, the following guidelines apply:
EMC-directive: 2014/30/EU
Machine-directive: 2006/42/EG
The Low Voltage Directive does not apply because the input voltage is only 36V. The charger of the battery
is separately marked with a CE mark.
A number of (harmonised) standards from the above guidelines apply.
The following 2 standards are relevant in this context and should also be used as input for all other
NEN-EN 15194:2015 Cycles (Electrically power assisted cycles - EPAC Bicycles)
NEN-EN-ISO 4210-1:2014 and
EN ISO 12100:2010