Multifunction Timer / Counter
3700 Sagamore Parkway North . Lafayette, IN 47904 USA . Phone: (765) 423-1505
Stability Platform Model 16125
To operate the Stability Platform, a single 54035A Multifunction Timer/Counter is needed.
1. Set the 54035A to “multiple” mode.
Using patch cords, connect each pair of binding posts on the Stability Platform to an input and ground
on the 54035A.
2. Connect the “center” binding post to the RUN/CNT input
3. Connect the “right” binding post to RUN1 input.
4. Connect the “left” binding post to the RUN2 input.
Remember that RUN2 data can be viewed by pressing the SCROLL button in multiple timer mode. The 54035A
will show both time and counts for each zone on the stability platform. To start a trial press the RESET button
on the 54035A.
Figure 3: 54035A/16125 connection diagram