Dake Corporation
1809 Industrial Park Drive
Grand Haven, MI 49417
Below is a useful maintenance reference to use that can be repeated throughout the year to
keep up to date on general maintenance for your machine.
Daily Maintenance
Weekly Maintenance
Monthly Maintenance
Yearly Maintenance
1) Fill the lubricant
before starting the
machine every day.
2) If the temperature of
the spindle is
overheating, or
making a strange
noise, shut down the
machine immediately
and check it for
3) Keep work area
1) Clean and coat the
cross leading screw
with oil.
2) Check all sliding
surfaces, pivoting
points, and turning
parts to see if any are
lacking any
lubrication. If they are
lacking lubrication, fill
1) Adjust the accurate
clearance both
vertical and
horizontal feed.
2) Lubricate bearings,
worm shaft, and
worm gears to avoid
long term wear.
1) Adjust the horizontal
position of the table
for accuracy.
2) Check electric plug,
cord, wires, and
switches to avoid
long term wear once
a year.
1) Your machine has been coated heavy grease to protect it in shipping. This coating should be
completely removed before operating the machine. Commercial degreaser, kerosene or similar
solvent may be used to remove the grease from the machine but avoid getting solvent on belts
or other rubber parts.
2) Be sure to clean. The band saw after operation. And coat this machine with rust-less oil. And
clean the iron filings of the roller grooves of the rotating seat to avoid the rust and the damage
caused by the rolling of the bearing.
3) Use SAE-30 oil to lubricate the components.
4) Lubricate the vise lead screw if needed to do so.
5) The driving gears will not require a lubricant change more often than once a year, unless of a
leak or overheating as occurred.