MeasureReady™ GPIB Adapter Quick Start Guide
LED indicator
The adapter includes a status indicator to determine its
current state:
Solid LED:
power has been applied and initialization
is complete with the host instrument.
Continuous slow blink:
the adapter has not been
initialized by the host instrument. If this persists
after the instrument is fully powered up and ready
for operation, this likely means that the instrument
needs a firmware upgrade to work properly.
Short, fast bursts:
data is being exchanged between
the instrument and the GPIB.
Configuring the adapter
The System settings menu of the MeasureReady™
instrument is provided to view and set/reset general
instrument settings. To find these settings:
1. Tap the Settings menu (top left corner of the
scxreen) to go to the navigation drawer.
2. Tap System settings.
3. Tap Connectivity.