1. Consult the General Specifications on reverse for the pumping pressure range required on the backwash line at the ISF
Screen. Note: If pressure is less than the minimum required to operate the screen and backwash system, a booster pump is
2. IMPORTANT: The ISF Screen is a water-pressure driven and backwashed device. If the screen does not have the required
pressure delivered to the return line connection at the screen, the screen will not work. Carefully measure the return line size to
insure that the proper pressure is delivered to the ISF Screen. Do not install a line smaller than that recommended on reverse
(see Dimensions, “C”).
3. Be sure you will not be pumping at a rate in excess of your ISF Screen’s maximum flow range. See General Specifications on
4. It is very important to thoroughly flush sand, pebbles, insects, glue and any other debris from the backwash line before
installation start-up. Failure to do this could result in plugged spray jets inside the ISF Screen.
5. Make certain pump’s suction/inlet pipe is properly supported and sufficiently elevated to allow your ISF Screen to rotate freely.
6. Your ISF Screen should not be installed:
a) Closer than 6-inches (155 mm) to any object.
b) In a confined area (side culvert, large pipe, etc.) with no means of transferring debris away from the screen.
c) In a current over 3 mph (4.83 km/hr), unless it is protected by an upstream barricade or bell-shield.
1. Attach the ISF Screen’s flanged outlet to pump’s suction/inlet pipe,
using an appropriate adapter, if required. Consult your LAKOS
2. Plumb one end of the backwash line into your pump’s discharge
3. Thoroughly flush backwash line of any debris.
4. Backwash line should be plumbed between the pump and a main
line valve. This valve can then be partially closed to create sufficient
back-pressure during start-up. Note: If pressure is inadequate for
efficient backwash operation, a booster pump will be necessary.
5. Install on the backwash line: a) a properly-sized gate valve (or
pressure regulator if pressure exceeds 100 psi/6.9 bar); b) an
8-mesh strainer (supplied); and c) a pressure gauge.
1. Screen does not need more than 2-inches of submergence because
the screen’s rotation breaks up any vortex that might form.
2. Screen should rotate at a rate of at least 15 RPM.
3. Backwash jets should be pointed a) downstream or toward the
opposite embankment when installed in moving water, b) toward the
center when used in still bodies of water, and c) toward the surface
when screens are deeply submerged. The direction of these spray
jets can be easily set by rotating the flange on the screen’s outlet pipe to adjust the position of the spray bar.
4. To prevent impeded screen rotation or actual damage, the ISF must be safe-guarded in extremely swift currents (over 3 mph
{4.83 km/hr}) or in moving water with unusually large debris, such as logs. Either a bell-shield attached to the ISF Screen
flange or an upstream barricade can offer the necessary protection. If a barricade is used, it must a) be situated at least 6 to
8-inches (152 to 203 mm) from the screen and b) provide enough clearance underneath to allow water to flow to create a
depression under the screen to prevent silt build-up. (Consult factory for design assistance.)
5. Adding a Screen Retrieval System to lift your ISF Screen out of the water during periods of inactivity is always recommended
and can prevent algae growth on the screen’s mesh covering.
(continued on reverse)
Separators and Filtration Solutions