LAKOS SUB-K Series Separators are engineered for the removal of sand and other heavy, suspended particles
from domestic and private water well systems with flow rates of 3 - 99 U.S. gpm (.7 - 23 m
/hr) and well I.D.’s of
5 inches or larger.
When the pump is operating, sandy water is drawn first through the SUB-K Separator’s inlet slots. Centrifugal
action separates the sand, causing the particles to gently fall to the bottom of the separator. The SUB-K’s
“flapper valve” remains closed while the pump is in operation. The sand-free water spirals upward, through the
center vortex/outlet, into the pump enclosure shell and to the pump. When the pump shuts off, the SUB-K’s
flapper valve will open, allowing accumulated sand to discharge deep into the well. NOTE: To assure adequate
purging of separated particles, SUB-K Separators must be installed on water systems that operate at least
somewhat intermittently, typically for no more than two continuous hours. This time may vary, depending on the
concentration of sand in the well.
• Installation instructions assume that pump is hanging vertically, attached to column pipe and ready for
lowering into the well.
• Use caution during the lowering process. Catching the pump or SUB-K unit on the well casing could cause
damage that might affect proper performance.
• All SUB-K models are designed to accommodate the typical pump diameter of 3
-inches (96 mm). Maximum
length of pump motor and inlet screen area (combined) cannot exceed 38 inches (965 mm). Consult factory
for special requirements and/or application assistance.
• Should the submersible pump ever need to be pulled or serviced, be sure to inspect the SUB-K Separator,
especially for clogged inlet ports or damage to the flapper valve.
• Maximum particle concentration: 550 ppm.
(illustration on reverse)