- 14 -
At parameter #17 set press and hold the ADJUST button for 3 beeps,
this reset all the colors at this parameter to zero.
No light will go OFF, as all the brightness values are zero.
Now you are the the red color setup the clock shows: 17-10-00, press
ALARM button once, now you are at the green color: 17-20-00. Press
ALARM button one more time and now you are at the blue color:
To set it green press ALARM button to go to the green channel
Press ADJUST a few times. Now you see some green light, but step-
ping to the maximum value 255 would take long time. You can do 2
things. One is to press and hold the ADJUST button to reverse the
value step direction, now if you press the ADJUST the value numbers
will step backward. Set to value 255 and now the green color is at full
brightness. The other way to change the color values is to press and
hold the ADJUST button for 4 beeps and keep it pressed. Now the
numbers are changing faster.
The green color is set for the date, time to EXIT the parameter menu,
press and hold the SET button for 3 beeps.
Check the clock, press the SET button once to show the date. The
color of the acrylic tube should change its color to green.
To change it back to magenta, use the following values:
Red: 150, Green: 000, Blue: 255