5) Testing Tips
a) Samples should be collected in a clean container.
b) Discard tubes that are scratched.
c) Turbidity readings will be affected by electric fields around motors.
d) Carbon in a sample will absorb light and cause low readings.
e) Readings should be taken on surface free of vibration.
f) Excessive color in a sample will absorb light and cause high readings.
6) Trouble shooting
a) Display error codes
ER 1
very low battery = Change battery
ER 2
Dilute sample
ER 3
burnt out tube or misaligned tube = Return for service
b) Meter won’t turn on: 1. Low battery = Replace
2. Battery connection broke = Repair
c) Suspect Calibration 1. Solution = Use new solution
2. Unit or tubes wet = Dry tubes/chamber
3. Low battery voltage = Replace battery
d) Unit will not adjust to desired calibration reading using
arrows. = Turn off unit. Hold down the down arrow and press the read
button to turn on and rest the unit. Calibrate again.
e) Unit reads zero 1. Calibration error = Turn off unit,
2. Lamp out or not connected = Check lamp
3. No solution = Check for solution