MICRO-768 Battery Tester User Manual
3.8.9 Set Language
This option is to let user select language.
System contains multi-language package, including Chinese, English, Russian,
Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Italian, etc.
After successful setup, it shows "OK" for 2 seconds, then return to the previous
3.8.10 Set Date and Time Format
This option is to set date and time format, and time display in 12-hour or 24-hour.
Default format is MM/DD/YY, 12-hour.
After successful setup, it shows "OK" for 2 seconds, then return to the previous
3.8.11 Date and Time Adjustment
This option is to adjust and check the system date and time.
Adjustment is in the sequence of Year, Month, Date, Hour, Minute. This adjustment sequence
does not affect the date and time format.
1. Press UP/DOWN key to modify the last two digits of the year. Press confirm key to enter the month
2. Press UP/DOWN key to modify the month. Press confirm key to enter the date adjustment.
3. Press UP/DOWN key to modify the date. Press confirm key to enter the hour adjustment.