Emptying the container
Detach the rear cover.
After the first container has filled up, you may place this container at the rear of the toilet to compost and put the
empty one in front.
After the second container has filled up, remove the rear container containing ready-to-use compost by seizing
the lifting handles.
Pull the filled container to the rear of the toilet.
The substance to be emptied from the container is ready-to-use soil which is can be used in the garden;
no after-composting is needed. Please note that compost soil is extremely rich in nutrients, so it should be
mixed with garden soil, peat, sand or similar.
Rinse out (or wash, if you prefer) the container after emptying and place the empty container into the toilet
Problems and solutions
If the toilet has been used correctly and the lid has been kept closed between uses, no flies will occur. Possible prob-
lems with flies (cover has been kept open) can be solved by pouring boiling water on top of flies and eggs. Repellents
intended for pests and flying insects may also be used. If kitchen biowaste is composted in the toilet, please remem-
ber to cover the biowaste carefully with drying agent (L&T Bio-Life
) after each portion of biowaste added.
Always close the thermal seat cover after use in order to make sure not to disturb the efficient ventilation system. The
ventilation pipe must lead above the ridge of the roof (min. 70 cm). All waste should be covered lightly with drying
agent (L&T Bio-Life
) after each use.
The compost will need sufficient moisture to operate efficiently and in a proper way. Make sure to use a sufficient
amount of drying agent (L&T Bio-Life
) after each use to make sure the substance is not too moist. Also make sure
that the evaporation plate or the seepage hose are not clogged.
The product has been made of polyethylene resistant to northern weather conditions. Possible freezing of the com-
post substance does not prevent the use of the composting toilet nor harm it in any way. As the weather gets warmer,
the substance will melt by itself.
Material warranty certificate for the L&T
Duomatic composting toilet
The manufacturer grants a two-year warranty for the product with respect to workmanship and material faults. In war-
ranty issues, please contact L&T Environmental Products, tel. +358 10 636 2790, or the product reseller.
Keep the receipt of your purchase and this warranty certificate for the entire duration of the warranty period.