Switch ON and Switch OFF
Switch ON
Press the ON/OFF button [1] for few seconds,
until the display is activated.
The start sequence includes several steps:
Logo Landtec
Information about the version of the
instrument firmware, serial number of
the instrument, next calibration date
NOTE - If there is existing data in the unit from
a previous scan, you will see the message
"DATA TO DOWNLOAD". In order to download
the data, you must use the SEMsoft software.
The instrument will warm up and calibrate
itself. The warm up lasts approximately 20
seconds. The
instrument’s functions are not
available during the warm up period.
Once the warm up and calibration are
complete, the four LED lights will blink and the
alarm will sound.
The SEM5000 is now ready to operate.
Switch OFF
To switch off the instrument, press and hold
the ON/OFF button [1] for a few seconds. A
shut off message will appear on the display
and will count down to shut off.