Langer & Laumann Ingenieurbüro GmbH 48356 Nordwalde Wallgraben 30
+49 (02573) 9 55 99 0
+49 (02573) 9 55 99 5 Email: Info@LuL-Ing.de
Langer & Laumann
I n g e n i e u r b ü r o G m b H
Dipl.- Ing. Michael Laumann
Dipl.- Ing. Matthias Langer
/ Managing Director
Sparkasse Steinfurt
/ Bank Account
BLZ: 40351220 Kto: 7024631
De52 4035 1060 0007 0246 31
BLZ: 40061238 Kto: 8623333000
De66 4006 1238 8623 3330 00
Volksbank Greven EG
Amtsgericht Steinfurt HRB 2943
Steuer-Nr. 311 5870 1056
/ Comercial Register
/ Vat-No.
9.3 Holding torque in the end positions
A holding torque can be set in the end positions. The holding torque causes the door to be held in the
corresponding end position by an adjustable force. A determination is made whether or not a signal is
present at the inputs ("Open door" or "Close door").
9.3.1 Holding torque without an input signal present
If no signal is present on the TSG door control device, a holding torque can be set so that the door will be
held in place.
Holding torque parameter in Closed position without signal "Open door": cC
Holding torque parameter in Open position without signal "Close door": cd
The higher-level control unit issues the "Close door" signal and the door closes. Once the door is closed, the
signal is removed from the control unit and the door is without current. It is possible when passing through
the shaft that the door slowly opens due to vibrations and/or mechanical tension in the system and the safety
circuit is opened. To prevent this, the holding torque can be set variably (see also Table 3: c parameters /
page 19).
The holding torque should not be set so high that it has a negative effect on the service life of
the motor!
9.3.2 Holding torque with input signal present
If a signal is present on the TSG door control device, a holding torque can be set so that the door will be held
in place.
Holding torque parameter in Closed position with signal "Open door":
Holding torque parameter in Open position with signal "Close door":
The holding torque should not be set so high that it has a negative effect on the service life of
the motor!