Langer & Laumann Ingenieurbüro GmbH 48356 Nordwalde Wallgraben 30
+49 (02573) 9 55 99 0
+49 (02573) 9 55 99 5 Email: Info@LuL-Ing.de
Langer & Laumann
I n g e n i e u r b ü r o G m b H
Dipl.- Ing. Michael Laumann
Dipl.- Ing. Matthias Langer
/ Managing Director
Sparkasse Steinfurt
/ Bank Account
BLZ: 40351220 Kto: 7024631
De52 4035 1060 0007 0246 31
BLZ: 40061238 Kto: 8623333000
De66 4006 1238 8623 3330 00
Volksbank Greven EG
Amtsgericht Steinfurt HRB 2943
Steuer-Nr. 311 5870 1056
/ Comercial Register
/ Vat-No.
2.5 Safety contacts
The relay outputs of the TSG door controls device must not be used as safety contacts to the safety circuit of
the higher-level control unit!
If the elevator door is telescopic, make certain the door panels have a door lock.
Excerpt from EN81-1:
Section 8.10 Elevator car sliding doors with multiple door panels connected to each other mechanically
8.10.1 For elevator car sliding doors with multiple door panels mechanically connected directly to each other
it is permissible
for the device described in 8.9.2
1. to be positioned either on one door panel only (on the fastest one for telescoping doors)
2. or on the door drive if the connection between the drive section and the door panels are form fitted
b) if the case and conditions of 11.2.1 c determine that only one door panel will lock, if the one lock
interferes with opening the other door panels (for telescoping doors) because the mechanisms engage
in each other in the closed position
When positioning and commissioning the TSG door control device in or on an elevator car,
make certain the total permissible weight of the elevator car is not exceeded at maximum
nominal load!
If the higher-level control unit undergoes an Emergency Stop or Off, it must be ensured that
the TSG door control device will not cause any unintentional, dangerous or uncontrolled door
2.6 Other important safety instructions
The buyer, engineer and/or fitter of the TSG door control device and its components are responsible for
ensuring it is used correctly and safely. It must be ensured that all national and local laws and regulations
regarding safety of power-operated doors and applicable national work safety requirements are observed.
Langer & Laumann Ing.-Büro GmbH is not responsible for accidents and/or consequential damage that could
result from application or use of the TSG door control device and its components. Our maximum obligation
and warranty is limited to the replacement cost of the purchased product.
Langer & Laumann Ing.-Büro GmbH does not make any claims or recommendations of suitability for specific
protective door concepts. The buyer, engineer and/or fitter of the TSG door control device must decide
themselves whether the drive is suitable for a specific application. Langer & Laumann Ing.-Büro GmbH
furthermore declines any responsibility for damages and injuries resulting from modification of the drive,
including modification of software parameters. Employees of Langer & Laumann Ing.-Büro GmbH are not
authorised to modify these terms and conditions without written consent and a legally binding signature of
the responsible offices.