16: Command Reference
EMG™ Edge Management Gateway User Guide
calleridcmd <Modem Command String>
calleridlogging <enable| disable>
cbcptype <admin|user>
cbcpnocallback <enable|disable>
chapauth <chaphost|localusers>
chaphost <CHAP Host or User Name>
checkdsr <enable|disable>
closedsr <enable|disable>
connectedmsg <enable|disable>
databits <7|8>
device <none|sensorsoft|rpm>
detectname <enable|disable>
detecttokens <Name Detection Tokens>
dialbackdelay <PPP Dial-back Delay>
dialbacknumber <usernumber|Phone Number>
dialbackretries <1-10>
dialinlist <Host List for Dial-in>
dialoutlogin <Remote User Login>
dialoutnumber <Phone Number>
dodauth <pap|chap>
dodchaphost <CHAP Host or User Name>
dtrcontrol <none|toggledtr|autodtr>
emailsubj <Email Subject>
emailto <Email Address>
flowcontrol <none|xon/xoff|rts/cts>
group <Local or Remote Group Name>
idletimeoutmsg <enable|disable>
initscript <Modem Initialization Script>
ipaddr <IP Address[/Mask Bits]>
locallogging <enable|disable>
maxdirect <1-15>
We recommend preceding the initscript with
and include
E1 V1 x4 Q0
so that
the EMG may properly control the modem.
localipaddr <negotiate|IP Address>
logins <enable|disable>
minimizelatency <enable|disable>
modemmode <text|ppp>
modemstate <disable|dialin|dialout|dialback|dialinhostlist|dialondemand|
modemtimeout <disable|1-9999 seconds>
name <Device Port Name>
nat <enable|disable>
newusermsg <enable|disable>
nfsdir <Logging Directory>
nfslogging <enable|disable>
nfsmaxfiles <Max # of Files>
nfsmaxsize <Size in Bytes>
numsessionsmsg <enable|disable>
parity <none|odd|even>
portlogseq <1-10 Chars>
poweraction <on|off|cycle>
powermgmtseq <1-10 Chars>