5: Commands and Levels
SGX™ 5150 IoT Device Gateway Command Reference
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI session.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
email (config-action-email:on scheduled reboot) level commands
alarm email email
Specifies the email number to send when the alarm turns on.
alarm email none
Specifies no email when the alarm turns on.
alarm message
Sets the email message to be sent when the alarm turns on.
alarm reminder interval
Sets the time interval that messages will be sent while the alarm remains on.
Clears the screen.
default alarm email
Restores the default and no email is sent when the alarm turns on.
default normal email
Restores the default and no email is sent when the alarm turns off.
Exits to the next higher level.
no alarm message
Removes the alarm email message.
no alarm reminder inter-
Only one message will be sent when the alarm turns on.
no normal message
Removes the normal email message.
no normal reminder in-
Only one message will be sent when the alarm turns off.
normal email email
Specifies the email number to send when the alarm turns off.
normal email none
Specifies no email when the alarm turns off.
normal message
Sets the email message to be sent when the alarm turns off.
normal reminder interval
Sets the time interval that messages will be sent while the alarm remains off.
Shows the current configuration.
show history
Displays the last 20 commands entered during the current CLI session.
Stores the current configuration in permanent memory.
email (config-action-email:eth0 link state change) level commands
alarm email email
Specifies the email number to send when the alarm turns on.
alarm email none
Specifies no email when the alarm turns on.
alarm message
Sets the email message to be sent when the alarm turns on.
alarm reminder interval
Sets the time interval that messages will be sent while the alarm remains on.
Clears the screen.
default alarm email
Restores the default and no email is sent when the alarm turns on.
default normal email
Restores the default and no email is sent when the alarm turns off.
Exits to the next higher level.
no alarm message
Removes the alarm email message.
no alarm reminder inter-
Only one message will be sent when the alarm turns on.
no normal message
Removes the normal email message.
no normal reminder in-
Only one message will be sent when the alarm turns off.
normal email email
Specifies the email number to send when the alarm turns off.
normal email none
Specifies no email when the alarm turns off.