Denying access to certain drives and folders
hen you open your computer to incoming connections, you can specify whether all drives and
folders—or only certain ones—are accessible to users who connect to your computer for File Transfer.
You can also grant different privileges to different users.
Opening your computer to incoming connections does not
mean that files on all your drives and folders must be acces-
sible to other users. You can “hide” certain drives and fold-
ers so that other users will not see them in their File Transfer
windows and cannot copy files to or from them.
You can set up drive and folder security when you secure
your computer using the Log-in List. Specify a different
setup for each entry in the list if you like. Until you specify
otherwise, every user in your Log-in List has access to all of
your drives and folders.
Folders removed from access in a
Log-in List entry...
...do not appear in File Transfer win-
dows on a remote computer.