MX Series - 1 Watt UHF AMPLIFIER
TSM 20-312 rev 0: June 14, 2000
W UHF Amplifier
Non-metallic coverings of some coaxial cables used in this equipment are
and may
transmit fire when ignited. Other wire coverings are not capable of supporting combustion, but
any non-metallic covering when heated sufficiently may emit dense smoke and acid gases which
can be highly
and often
Be careful when replacing RF power transistors. Thermal transfer properties in these devices are
achievable only by the use of Beryllium Oxide ceramics. We stated it earlier but we will
emphatically repeat it again and again,
Beryllium Oxide is a TOXIC substance.
If the ceramic
or other encapsulation is opened, crushed, broken or abraded, the Beryllium Oxide dust can be
hazardous if taken into the body in any manner. Use caution in replacing these devices.
Solvents such as alcohol, ketones, aliphatic or aromatic hydrocarbons, halogenated
hydrocarbons, etc. as found in glues, paints, paint thinners, paint removers, and/or cleaning fluids,
may emit
and some may be
Read and understand the
directions on their containers, and ensure that they are used only in well-ventilated locations.
Parts List Layout - EXPLAINED
Parts lists for manuals are computer-generated out of the LARCAN materials management database.
They are presented in hierarchical or family tree order.
The computer is input with the parent parts list number, in this case the amplifier model 40D2180G3 which
it designates as level 0. The computer first checks the parent list for major subassemblies, then each
subassembly list for more subassemblies, etc., and arranges these lists in order of hierarchy beginning
with level 0, then 1, then 2, etc., then prints each in the order in which they were found. In these booklets
which together describe the PARTS of the amplifier, we have used the computer's electronic data output
to allow us to more easily integrate the relevant parts list with the text.
The line of text immediately above the horizontal line on the first page of each list provides the number
and name of the relevant assembly that the list represents.
An "R" followed by a dash and a number indicates revision status. This information is meaningful to our
Renewal Parts and/or Customer Service people, and in order that these people can be most helpful, they
should be advised of this revision number especially if renewal parts are needed.
Interpreting LARCAN Drawing Numbers
Engineering drawings at LARCAN are based on the concept that an assembly or subassembly is simply a
GROUP of component parts, thus when a
appears on a list, it means an "assembly". Thus a circuit
board loaded with parts may be referenced in this manual as "21B1389G1". In this example, G1 is the
amplifier used in the IPA2 stage while G2 is the amplifier used in the PA stage. Furthermore, the `P’ in
21B1389P1 indicates that this is a part in itself (a printed circuit board) with no parts in it. In this case this
part is called up in 21B1389G1 parts list. The `S’ in 21B1389S indicates that this is a schematic diagram.
In some cases the schematic diagram may be a completely different number.