ICS-KP14 Instruction Manual
Page 6 of 18
Issue 3 19 January 2021
The entry door will normally be fitted with an interlock switch that indicates to the interlock control
system that the door has been opened and this will cause the laser to be disabled. The Override output
should be used when it is desired to be able to open the entry door without disabling the laser. The
Override time should be set to the shortest reasonable time required for the door to be opened and
then closed again.
If it is desired to be able to release the door lock only i.e. the laser will be disabled by the door contact
when the door opens, the Override output can be disabled by setting the time duration to 0.
The ICS-KP14 has a remote activation input which may be wired to a separate pushbutton switch. This
is usually provided on the inside of the controlled door and allows persons to leave the controlled area
without disabling the laser. When the button is pressed, the keypad performs the same functions as
if the user code had been entered.
The ICS-KP14 is designed to be permanently attached to a wall or other fixed vertical surface.
The ICS-KP14 should be mounted in a convenient position for use and wiring. Normally it is located on
the outside (‘safe’) side of the entry door of the controlled area, on the wall adjacent to the door
handle, approximately 1.2m up from floor level.
During installation, wired connections will need to be made from the ICS-KP14 to the Interlock Control
System and possibly the door interlock switch and magnetic door lock, and allowance should be made
for the installation of electrical conduit or trunking if required to make entry to the unit.
Ideally the keypad should be attached directly to the wall with the cables being fed from within the
wall. For hollow walls this should be straightforward. For solid walls it may be easiest and neatest to
feed the cables right through the wall from the other side.
Alternatively, the keypad may be attached to a round conduit box which may be buried or surface-
mounted, though this last option will result in the unit projecting further from the wall, making it less
stable and more vulnerable.
It is recommended that the centre of mounting is at least 100mm horizontally from the door
surround/architrave and at least 150mm from the edge of the door. There must be a flat unobstructed
area of wall extending at least 70mm above and 110mm below the mounting centre to allow fitment
and removal.
If a Lasermet Miniature Warning Sign is being fitted above the keypad the centres should be at least
140mm apart vertically.
Refer to the diagram below for details of the fixing holes and cable entry. The rear cover is secured
using preferably four screws on a 35.4mm square around the cable entry point. The rear cover may
be used as a marking template. If using a round BESA conduit box, the holes will align with the cover
fixing holes.