Manual: PL-3000RGB
/ PL-6000RGB
/ PL-12.000RGB
page 15 / 34
tivate the „Delete“-box next to the file and click „Apply“.
Sequence Parameters:
For each show miscellaneous parameters can be set in the table:
DMX Value
Initially first field is empty. Put in the number (DMX position), whereby the show can be se-
Note: The selected number correspond to the fader value (0-255) of fader, which is intended
for show selection. To simplify settings via DMX controller, 2 DMX channels (Fader) are used.
Each channel uses 16 positions multiplied together. Thereby maximally 256 shows can be
Zero should not be used as DMX channel unless it is desired that there is a show output when
all DMX fader are on zero.
Speed pps
For security reasons speed cannot remote-controlled by DMX. Therefore a value has to be
given. By default, it is set to 10kpps.
The ideal value for the output has to be set manual.
Test Output
For testing purposes each show can be started by web interface. To this select „Show“ box and
click „Apply“. Show will start. Thereby set speed and value in „Framerepeat“ are taken as a basis.
Therefore the best possible values can be identified by test playback. To cancel press „Stop“.
Note: Fields will be reset to standard (10 kpps) after show, if a show is not assigned to a DMX
channel (start number). To save speed and frame repeat the show must have a number!
Frame Repeat
By frame repeat the frequency of each frame of a sequence will be set. 1 means once, 2 means
twice etc. Hereby speed of an animation can be controlled. If there are to many repetitions,
animation starks bucking. This value also can be controlled via DMX.
Displaymode controls show output: Select if show shall loop or cancel it (loop/oneshot). Fur-
thermore you can select if the running show will be interrupted by the selection of another
show or if a new selection is only possible after show has finished (interruptable/complete). So
4 options / combinations are possible:
- loop/interruptable
- loop/complete
- oneshot/interruptable
- oneshot/complete