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Summary of Contents for DVT-3030

Page 1: ...rrbl dare pmr is d Ldonrc DvD pliy l 6 bc Dpr cr r rcson locl t kr notr Lrg bc n csnoNb rnriixLy 4pirochiucrhereFotrcodc rntof L iicDvDptaycr srch NOPERSONACINT l rSTRrBUrcR Dl At_ER SLlrVtC t tjAC ltlORCOMr Ny tS A JTHORTZED TOCITA NOE MOnIjY ORAMENDtH lUtl tsOrrTHlSt iM Ff WARRANTY NANY M NNEROR I SI IONWH ISOI VI R IXC IIXTENTPROVII LDIIIRI IN L SONI M ES NOWARRANTY I k rMpLr q ftFc RDTNGTHrS _...

Page 2: ... Ihi pliy ls fot lorcom ercirltrse Gettingstarted Basicoperations Basicsctup seltlngupTVs eentype ll 12 B a s i c p l a y P o e r O N l P a y l Faslfor ard backward AdvancedoDerations S p e c i o l p l a y n o d c 1 Zooningplayback 1 M e n u p l a t b a c k Audiolanstraseselection Volunre contlol Mp3playbsck 2 Radio operatio 22 2 Auxiliarycoincclion function 2 Playersettings I opfd Dsrirudrctr5 dr...

Page 3: ...RTWARNING DO NOTREI 1OVE THIS TAG INARKING Thewords WARN NG MOVEw Tl_l CARE I C A R T A P P L I A N C E C O M B N A T I O N S H O U L D N i I BE irlOVEDBY CHILDREN WITHOUTPROPEF GU DANCEFROI I AN ADULT s3125A A A SHOCK DO NOT EXPOSE ould beusedoiyw h a ai ordan r vad r o s Prc d dorrhemsn 0lvpsprq ap u0hav nsarhd lsro nd ns pn rhE i p a p o aqanrLnem All manuals and user guides at all guides com ...

Page 4: ...mech0f mlsrock l o r o r pl c e d r e fl l c r n a o c d o r e l p o s c d t o cooltrrrCondcns r rrtryoccurrrdcrLsethc nrxvo ri n fk rnc trec On operltion Theplaycrinaynotworkbccdus oflhpr operaton Thclimltedwatrantydoesnotcove consequcnt losses d risefroh lmproperusage lltheplayerisinstalledinac6binersitha door donotopen tnedisc ray slth rherefrdte when thedooriscloscd Turnolr dr playersh n youar...

Page 5: ...J f d r h d r n o l J l d r s c r r l l p l t r y s r c t u L l y l t c r r n p c I l h e d r s c s s c r r t h c d o r dirly orLfrheDlry r s prckuplcns rsdrrly MP3tu nd audro drsts crnrlsobcplnycd y thrs DV plryrr Plrt marnotbcposeblc Insoncclscsducro rhccondrlion or lhcrcco drns E O FRONT PANf L O REARPANELL O F R O N T P A NE L L l OWERbu 1on DISC I RAY l ItEMOTEscnsor 4 DISPLAYwindo 5 VOLUME k...

Page 6: ... v r I n J r r c rS I l j l lI o s o u n d r nR D I o l r l r c x r r n s l c l c c l o nr r i h b l c i r l V l l1 ill hd vthr chtrrlc nrn berLnI Vl Dd rfr l trnhrf I o L h c r d r V l l N l l l D V D l n r D V l V l I n rV l i l l 0 C D l o r D N 1 l l D O I l l Yl l C l I A L L n d L c r l o r O P l l l t l l N l n d i c r l o r IndLcrlcs DOLIIY I l il l l u rd hodc phyi0g LnLM lrdicrresrhcol e...

Page 7: ...ouiI svHrol c t3 J I r o P i L r l 1 i 4 L 4 l l d t_g__l w J LlEl a H H rZ vre e s e Y r v LN tad6 rdI t6rdr l t v v v l i i 9e11 l c e Y o u f i r c r m c c t y o u r D V t l l r c r r o r i c c r r r l D o l b y D r i l r o r l l S t t c c r v r r r l l r c crloy j I chrnrolstrrrofdsornd Yotr mn trsc r oax rl fhl orotrrrr rhlc rocffrscLlht L Abg lhcr l l r c n xLc otrlptrl rr thusl l llP rr fr ...

Page 8: ...n TOTERMINATE DVD VCD CD 2 Prcss theOPf N CLOSE button OPEN CLOSE i F j STOP lu V I l rcssLIc S IOP button Thc plnyLrrck will 1 llcmoveihc disc nd closethe lriy Prcss h S tOP burton grin I STOP Prcstrhe oPEN CLOSE brtton l hedisc 4 Press thePOWERbutton Press thoPOWER butlon theplayer will 0 l r sstheSTOPbullonrostopplay ThcunitrctuembeN thepointwhereyou sloppedaslonStslheunitison ln res freplay pr...

Page 9: ...laybaok specd chanses D 2 4 8 F 16 D32 Pr ss thcPLAYbuttonto csumcnormil plxyback FASTB CKWARDPLAYBACK Youcanplay DVD d iscandVIDEO CD disuin slow nolionduringplayback SLo I PLr YBACK Prrssthc sLow Duiton O l rch1i e rhcSLOW b 1 onis fresscd lhcslo nrorion speed chanses SF l 2 SF l 4 Sl l 8 sFt t6 sFl 32 Pf9 l thc PLAY butron to rcstrmcnorm l plslb ck ur a f r r h er B b r r o n r ur H b J r r Jr ...

Page 10: back tothcbeginning ofthe Repc t cuircnr title When playback reaches thccndoirhe c ricnltitle playbact iumps backtothebeginning ofthclille Repcal ctrtircdisc Vhcnplaybacl rcachcsthe erdoflhcdisc rlntbn l re nesarrhcbcginning ot rhedisc Rcpcrr trrodcdisable q a ORt PEAT T I PI AY B CK O D in8 plnrb cL youcanrepcnr nsection berNccn roinrs A Dd B virhiD uclrdptrr o rrr k l l ress At Bl atsrarrinep...

Page 11: ...ochanSc thc r o i r n u u u u r l r u J l r n r J r l J r t r h 1 rreffi Lm ffi o Prcss tbc DIRIiC l lONl r t brrrors1osclccr lhe trcltrr d ilcnr o I r rhc IIN I llR brrlon lbe lecrudlrcrr iLl sldrllo fl O T E l o r s o m c d i s c s r h c s r n r c n c r u d n l d c n l i c r l p i c l u r c i l l h d L s p l r t c d h l h c r o f r e s s rhr M llNtrtrultonor thc flTl llbrur n t r r Rna ta liF li...

Page 12: thevolom Pressth VOL buttonto increase volumet Pressthe VOL bultonlodecress volume voL SOUND 9 VOLUME adjust 6 h3nn hvolume FRONT adjust FRONTL Rchannelsvolume SURR adjust SURROUND L Rchanncls volume CENTER adjust CENTER chaanel volume sUB iadjusrSUBWOoFERchannelvolume 0TONECONTROL TRliaLE or BASS Press SOUNDblrtlon to selcct tone fREBLEor BASS youwanttoadt st rhclvailable lone willshowon thcdi...

Page 13: ...cscnt men ory ol 20stations cach Dano lr ss thePOWER button onthcfmnrDanel lrcss rheFUNCTION burton o thelronrpareluntilrhe frcquency band appcaB onlhedisp IrcssLhe AM FN buttorr toselect lhedesired band l r ss the IUNIN i randTtlNINC bulion lo find onrdesircd sration a ruNdc E 1 l E l ress lhe MaN4ORYtrutton lhc preselslalionis tlashinB P r c l h c I R E s E l a n d P R l l S l b u f i o r o s e ...

Page 14: ...n cri atc thc sclecleditcnr a Youcrn prcssrheRETTJRN butronbdckto laslserupn1cnu SETUP MENU I ANGUAC DSD IUP SCREEN SEl UP AUDIO SETUP CUSTOM SI TUP EXIl l hisalloNs thclsqro sclccl prcfeBed lstrsuasc forrfie OSD ENGLISH ITRENCII GIJI MAN IlNI IAN SPANISH Thisallo srhcnser tosclcct opreieiied lansuase ioflhcDVDmenus DvD Thisallolvsrh lscrtosclccrnprcrercdlonBUaBeforoudiolanguag Ilis illo rsrhc se ...

Page 15: ...olcconlrolat distancc ol Dol nrorclh rirclcrs lion rhcscnsor sshrirlr lri rec m ot hcchnn sd l_hc drscdocsno1hnvesubli1le AuLILU LJn uJrr r rn l b hrtr l LJ r no h r uLriplL rudiolansuaAc oprio An u I crrnol bc e r resd 1 h c l d o c sn o rh c rc m u l r i t l cr n E l e f l i d n l h o r u di o i sn o 1 s u r o u r ds o o n I hc discdocsnol ha c surrcundsound check lhc JDlo olrl PU I se inEin sE ...

Page 16: ... SLJBWOOFER Ourpul power i 5Wx I f requency respdnse 50Hz 20KIIz Spedker iDpedatrc 4 C 8O A C l 2 0 V5 0 b 0 H z Dinensions W H D 4 l 0r 9 l x l l 2 m n XD sig andsp cifi atiotrs sulrjecr to change without oticcfor improv mcnrs DTS aid DTSD lrrOuf rrertrde alksofD giratTheor Synems Inc Thrsproduct jtr trpordes coDt jshr pdecllor rechnotog rha isp orecre l by m rhod t0rm3 olcenotn Us potnrsindorhd ...
