crystal standard configuration User Manual
Version: 6.4.0/4
7. System Setup
To launch the DisplayDock GUI, you will require an active software license. This can be installed into a local
container (on your PC), a remote container (on a networked server), or onto a USB dongle (for portability). If
you wish to use a dongle, then this must be ordered separately.
The license is activated and managed by the CodeMeter Runtime licensing system from
. The
license code can be found on the delivery note shipped with the system.
Using a Dongle
All dongles are specially-configured USB memory sticks which can be purchased from either
. The dongles supplied for software and hardware products ship with different file systems, so please
take care not to mix up the different types. If you have purchased a dongle for DisplayDock, then this will have
a metal "LAWO logo" tag attached as shown below. Multiple software products can be licensed from a single
USB Dongle (for Lawo software)
Preparing for Activation
To activate a license, you will need:
A PC with an internet connection (and USB port if using a dongle). If your PC does not have an
internet connection, then the offline activation method can be used.
The WIBU systems USB memory stick (if using a dongle).
The license code. This can be found on the delivery note shipped with the system. It takes the form of a
25-digit ticket number such as the one shown below.
License Code Example
Once activated, it is strongly recommended that you backup your licenses (using the
portal). This will allow you to restore a license if the original is lost or damaged.
Installing CodeMeter Runtime
To activate a license, your PC must be installed with
CodeMeter Runtime
(from WIBU systems). The correct
version is installed automatically with the setup software for your product.
You can check the installation by looking in the Windows taskbar where you should see the following icon.
This shows that a Cm container (for local license storage) has been installed.