Bridge The key is the short-circuit clear and open-circuit clear control keys, which share one key. When
the test port is short-circuited or open-circuited, the short-circuit impedance is not zero due to the effects
of the hardware's own parasitic parameters, and the open-circuit impedance is not infinite, but there is a
certain parasitic impedance. Typical parasitic impedance values are several mΩ or less at short circuit,
tens of MΩ or more at open circuit, and when the device under test is at mΩ and MΩ level, the parasitic
impedance will affect the accuracy of the test results (non-low-end and high-end The measured impedance
is less affected by spurious impedance. Therefore, it is necessary to make the short-circuit clear and open-
circuit clear once for different frequencies.
The allowed thresholds for the bridge are as follows:
Short circuit clear <100mΩ;
Open circuit clear, frequency 1KHz and below> 10MΩ, clearance
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