3. Connect the black straps on your
adult belt to the matching black-
strapped buckles on the shoulders
of the child’s harness.
4. Stand up slowly.
! The adult may need to support the child (possibly with an assistant’s help) until the
connecting straps are tightened. If the child is not supported, they could fall forward
while the connecting straps are still in their extended position.
5. Adjust the connecting straps evenly.
Some people find this easier to do
one side at a time. The child’s pelvic
straps (grey) should be adjusted first,
as these hold the child at the correct
standing height.
6. Then adjust the black shoulder
straps to keep the child’s trunk in an
upright position.
Securely fasten the buckles, Velcro
and press-studs before standing
up. If you do need to make further
adjustments to buckles, Velcro or
press-studs, remain seated.