ary 201
Legrand PDU User Guide 217
Number of Snapshots - the number of snapshots to be taken when the event occurs.
The maximum amount of snapshots that can be stored on the Legrand PDU is 10. If you set it for a
number greater than 10 and the storage location is on the Legrand PDU, after the 10th snapshot is
taken and stored, the oldest snapshots are overwritten. Storing snapshots on a remote server does
not have such a limitation.
Time Before First Snapshot - the amount of time in seconds between when the event is triggered and
the webcam begins taking snapshots.
Time Between Snapshots - the amount of time in seconds between when each snapshot is taken.
Send Email
You can configure emails to be sent when an event occurs and can customize the message.
Messages consist of a combination of free text and Legrand PDU placeholders. The placeholders represent
information which is pulled from the Legrand PDU and inserted into the message.
For example:
[USERNAME] logged into the device on [TIMESTAMP]
translates to
Mary logged into the device on 2012-January-30 21:00
For a list and definition of available variables, see
Placeholders for Custom Messages
(on page 229).
1. Choose Device Settings > Event Rules >
2. Select "Send email" from the Action list.
3. In the "Recipient Email Addresses" field, specify the email address(es) of the recipient(s). Use a comma
to separate multiple email addresses.
4. By default, the SMTP server specified on the SMTP Server page will be the SMTP server for performing
this action.
To use a different SMTP server, select the "Use custom settings" radio button. The fields for customized
SMTP settings appear. For information on each field, see
Configuring SMTP Settings
(on page 176).
Default messages are sent based on the event. For a list of default log messages and events that trigger
them, see
Default Log Messages
(on page 204).
5. If needed, select the Use Custom Log Message checkbox, and then create a custom message up to
1024 characters in the provided field.