7.5 DVR Setup
Please set the connected DVR encode information to make the device suitable for the mobile phone monitor.
You can go to the DVR Web or go to the DVR local end to complete the setup. In this user’s manual, we introduce how to
finish setup at the local end.
7.5.1 ENCODE
In the ENCODE menu you can refer to the following setup:
Resolution: CIF / QCIF.
Frame Rate: The value ranges from 5 to 10.
Bit rate type: CBR
Bit Rate: 64-256Kb / S
You can adjust the setup according to your mobile phone performance and network environment. You can lower the
frame rate to guarantee fluent video if the network is not so good.
For mobile phone account, please make sure it is reusable (support multiple users using the same account to login at the
same time) and has PTZ control right.
Then, when other uses are monitor properly, you can use mobile phone to monitor and realize PTZ control operation.