Recall a recorded scene
1. Press the appropriate scene button.
2. Watch the scene smoothly transition from the previous lighting state.
You can recall the same scene from any house scene controller assigned to
the same set of house scenes (see More Scenes, below).
Modify the light levels of a house scene
1. Recall the recorded scene.
2. Change lighting levels as desired by pressing or on individual devices.
3. Press and hold the scene button until the LED flashes once (approximately 2
seconds) to save the new settings.
Modify a previously recorded house scene
Use the Record a Whole-house Scene procedure to modify the devices assigned to
an existing house scene.
More Scenes
You can increase the number of house scenes to 10 by adding a second DRD5 to
the house, then changing the “scene set assignment” on one of them. The DRD5
scene set assignment is 1-5 when shipped. Changing the second DRD5 scene set
assignment to 6-10 allows you to record another 5 scenes that can be accessed by
any house scene controller (DRD5 and MRH5G) that has a scene set assignment
of 6-10.
All house scene controllers that have the same scene set
assignment operate the 5 scenes in the same way as all
other house scene controllers programmed for the same
set (1-5 or 6-10).
To assign the controller for scenes 6-10, simultaneously
press and button B for 2 seconds.
To change the assignment back to scenes 1-5,
simultaneously press and button A for 2 seconds.
A = scenes 1-5 (default)
B = scenes 6-10
Power Fail Memory
After a power failure, all Miro devices automatically return to the state they
were in immediately prior to loss of power. All house binding and scene control
information is preserved.
Assigning the DRD5
for scene set 6-10