Legrand PDU User Guide 135
Creating Roles
A role is a combination of permissions. Each user must have at least one role.
The Legrand PDU provides two built-in roles.
Built-in role
Provide full permissions.
Provide frequently-used permissions, including:
Acknowledge Alarms
Change Own Password
Change Pdu, Inlet, Outlet & Overcurrent
Protector Configuration
Switch Outlet (if your Legrand PDU is
outlet-switching capable)
View Event Settings
View Local Event Log
If the two do not satisfy your needs, add new roles. Legrand PDU supports up to 64 roles.
To create a role:
1. Choose User Management > Roles >
2. Assign a role name.
1 to 32 characters long
Spaces are permitted
3. Type a description for the role in the Description field.
4. Select the desired privilege(s).
The 'Administrator Privileges' includes all privileges.
The 'Unrestricted View Privileges' includes all 'View' privileges.
5. If any privilege requires the argument setting, the symbol
displays in the rightmost edge of that
privilege's row. To select such a privilege:
a. Click on that privilege's row to display a list of available arguments for that privilege.
b. Select the desired arguments.
To select all arguments, simply select the checkbox labeled 'All XXX'.
Tip: The other way to select all arguments is to select that privilege's checkbox while the arguments list
is not expanded yet.