180 Legrand PDU User Guide
Keep the idle timeout to 20 minutes or less if possible. This reduces the number of idle sessions
connected, and the number of simultaneous commands sent to the Legrand PDU.
2. Select the "Prevent concurrent login with same username" checkbox if intending to prevent multiple
persons from using the same login name simultaneously.
3. Click
Configuring Password Policy
Choose Device Settings > Security > Password Policy to open the Password Policy page, where you can:
Force users to use strong passwords.
Force users to change passwords at a regular interval -- that is, password aging.
Use of strong passwords makes it more difficult for intruders to crack user passwords and access the
Legrand PDU.
To configure password aging:
1. Select the 'Enabled' checkbox of Password Aging.
2. In the Password Aging Interval field, type a value or click
to select a time option. This setting
determines how often users are requested to change their passwords.
If you type a value, the value must be followed by a time unit, such as '10 d.' See
Time Units
page 98).
3. Click
To force users to create strong passwords:
1. Select the 'Enabled' checkbox of Strong Passwords to activate the strong password feature. The
following are the default settings:
Minimum length
= 8 characters
Maximum length
= 32 characters
At least one lowercase character
= Required
At least one uppercase character
= Required
At least one numeric character
= Required
At least one special character
= Required
Number of forbidden previous passwords
= 5
Note: The maximum password length accepted by Legrand PDU is 64 characters.
2. Make changes to the default settings as needed.
3. Click