Data Files and Formats
General Guide to RoadPlus - 4.0.0en
The Station Equation File
Example for a Station Equation File in Leica GSI format
The Station Equation File re-defines horizontal alignments after adding / removing constituing elements. Station Equation Files
are optional for RoadPlus and only required when stationings have not been recomputed after changes in the Horizontal
Alignment File. The number of equations per file is limited to 100.
The following is an example of such a file in Leica GSI8 format. GSI16 is also supported.
Note that each line must end with a space and that a CR/LF is required after the last data line.
If you use the Leica program RoadEd for your editing, you really should not need to use a station equation file because it will
always attempt to adjust the stationings for you as you make changes. You can also force it to re-calculate the stationing using
the Recalc Stationings command from the menu. However, RoadEd does support the creation and editing of these files if they
are needed. Be aware of the fact that RoadEd does not read the station equation file when it checks for errors in your
alignment. You can ignore stationing errors which you have corrected using a station equation file.